High-Precision, Incremental 3D Indoor Localization and Mapping using Mobile Devices
- Georgios A. Georgiou and Stergios Roumeliotis (PI)
- 1. A highly-efficient, sliding-window, vision-aided inertial navigation system (VINS) [e.g., the multi-state constrained Kalman filter (MSCKF), or the square root inverse sliding window filter (SR-ISWF)] that provides high-rate pose estimates using only recent visual and inertial measurements, and
- 2. A BLS optimization algorithm for intermittently refining the pose and map estimates using all, up to that time, visual and inertial measurements.

Trajectory estimate before (left) and after (right) BLS refinement

Processor's view of the trajectory path segments

RMSE wrt ground truth provided by a VICON® system
- C2. K.J. Wu, A.M. Ahmed, G.A. Georgiou, and S.I. Roumeliotis, "A Square Root Inverse Filter for Efficient Vision-aided Inertial Navigation on Mobile Devices," Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS'15), Rome, Italy, July 13-17, 2015 (pdf).
- C1. C.X. Guo, D.G. Kottas, R.C. DuToit, A. Ahmed, R. Li, and S.I. Roumeliotis, "Efficient Visual-Inertial Navigation using a Rolling-Shutter Camera with Inaccurate Timestamps," Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS'14), Berkeley, CA, July 12-16, 2014 (pdf).